Why Am I So Overwhelmed With My Private Practice Business?

Let’s just get one thing straight. Owning and running a private practice business is very hard. Nobody but business owners understand all that plays into their feelings of being overwhelmed. It can really feel like a lonely place at times. It’s a constant process of figuring stuff out, putting out some new fire, or dealing with some new crysis that did not seem to even exist five minutes ago. 

When we start to add employees to the mix it just gets more complex and overwhelming.  As I sit here and write this, I almost wonder why anyone would want to own their own private practice business. It almost seems like a crazy idea.

Often the weight of other people depending on you can really be tough. You really want your employees to be happy and have a great work environment to be in. Questions like what should I charge for session rates? What should I pay my employees? What benefits can I afford for my team? Does it work out better to hire 1099 contractors or W2 employees? Along with a million other questions are spinning around in your head. Then there is the elephant in the room, how do I fill my team’s available schedule to pay for all of this?

As a private practice owner you are overwhelmed with understanding numbers and marketing. The Connected Private Practice helps mental health private practices reach clients and grow so that you can live a life of financial freedom while helping those that you are passionate about. 

We can help you work through all those overwhelming questions. We can help you be confident in your decision making in a way that is backed up by hard data. We can help you become empowered to run your business.

Schedule a free consult to move beyond overwhelmed!


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