I Should Be Working On My Private Practice Rather than For My Private Practice

I should be working on my private practice rather than working for my private practice.

I get to talk to a lot of private practice business owners and one consistent theme I see is business owners that are completely overwhelmed. What does it mean to be working on my private practice rather than for my private practice?

Along with modeling out businesses in order to understand numbers or helping set up a marketing plan, one thing I really try to help private practice business owners with is transitioning from working for their private practice to working on their private practice. 

Again, what does that mean? It simply means that as your business grows and transitions you as the business owner need to get out of the weeds of the day to day as much as you can and start thinking more strategically about your business. As your business grows you need to start looking at the bigger picture rather than al the mantua of the day to day. 

This really involves having good process, good people, and being brave enough to take the time it takes to start looking at where you are as a private practice and where you want it to be.

I believe it was Greg Reid that said:

“A dream written down with a date becomes a goal.

A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan.

A plan backed by action becomes a reality.”

If we as business owners and more specifically private practice owners are consistently stuck in the weeds and can never come up for air because we are killing ourselves working for our business rather than on our business we will never get to dream let alone get to plan anything. Those plans will never become goals and will certainly never see the light of day as reality. 

We can help you become more efficient with your time and help you become more strategic in your approach to your private practice and business. We can help you position yourself to work on your business rather than for it. 

Does this mean you will never see clients or do the work you love to do?  Certainly not! This means that you will creetae come time to structure your work in a way that will support you. This means that rather than be so reactionary to everything all the time we start shifting those dreams, goals, plans, and reality that we want.

Let’s get started with a free consultation today!


Why Am I So Overwhelmed With My Private Practice Business?


Should I Move From Solo Private Practice to Group Private Practice?