Should I Move From Solo Private Practice to Group Private Practice?

One question I get asked a lot and see thrown around in all the private practice Facebook groups and communities is “should I move from solo private practice to group private practice?” If there were ever a more loaded question about your private practice I certainly wouldn’t know what it would be.
On one end it seems like such a logical growth point to move from solo private practice to group private practice. On the other hand the level of frustration and complexity can really be a show stopper.
There is some serious soul searching that needs to take place when considering a move from solo private practice to group private practice. Some questions to consider may not even register on your radar when considering this move. I can think of four questions that should really be thought through before ever taking the endeavor on.
Do you play well with others?
Really this question comes down to do you want to manage other people and be responsible for their professional life?
If this is a hard no for you than owning your own group practice is a NOGO
Are you willing to work on your business rather than work for your business?
This really comes down to are you willing to see less clients so you can run your business?
I think this question can confuse people and throw them for a bit of a loop.
As a group private practice owner you need to start transitioning from seeing the lion’s share of the clients to focusing on your business and your team.
This will require you to start being more strategic in your approach to your business rather than packing your day full of seeing clients.
Thinking and functioning more strategically about your business is a whole new level of running your business.
Are you cool dealing with complexity?
Trust me, life was simple as a solo private practice owner! When you make the transition from solo private practice owner to group private practice owner all the sudden the complexity of almost every part of your business goes up exponentially.
All of a sudden you really need to think through every little process of your business and make it as simple as possible to remove as much complexity as you can. This will never really go away. It’s a repeating process.
Do you have a good stress relief and self care practice?
This is one place many of us struggle with, but when it comes to adding all the complexity and work of owning and managing a group private practice you really need a solid process of taking care of you.
There will never be a stress free time when it comes to migrating from solo private practice to group private practice. Between you, your team, your clients, your team’s clients, and your practice something will always come up that is unexpected.
It probably seems crazy that I would include this question, but I really can’t stress enough to you how important it is.
Moving from solo private practice to group private practice can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling. It can also be amazingly profitable. I can’t stress enough that doing it should be really thought through. Take some time to do some soul searching through these questions before making that leap from solo private practice to group private practice.