Creativity is Fundamental in Writing Copy

In my last blog entry I wrote about how emotions are the key to writing good copy for marketing your private practice. You can read that entry here (
Writing copy does not come naturally to many of us. It often feels like a slog fest where you end up hating everything you have written. Writing copy for your private practice is work, but it’s a different kind of work than what we normally do in our day to day of running our private practice businesses. Many of my clients typically state that they hate writing blogs, website copy, and other marketing copy.
Here is the thing. Writing is a creative process. It’s work, but not the same kind of work that you typically do. You can’t approach it the same way you approach everything else in your business. It needs the space it needs in order to be really dialed in.
Creativity needs space to flourish.
Here are some things that I use in my process of writing copy for marketing that may be beneficial to you.
Set aside time that is uninterrupted to write copy.
I already said that creativity takes time. In order to to be creative try to set aside uninterrupted time to allow yourself to get out of your day to day grind and into something different or fresh. Maybe you get away from the office. I recommend setting aside time that is solely dedicated to write. Maybe you do it once a month or once a quarter.
Get away from a computer.
Sitting in front of a computer is work. It can also create a lot of built in distractions. If I sit in front of my computer I just end up checking my email or looking at something on social media. Sitting in front of your computer can be a black hole for creativity. Maybe you pull out an old fashioned notepad and a pen to capture your thoughts. Maybe you dictate your thoughts to your phone. Later you can take that dictation and create something useful from it.
Exercise the creative muscle.
In order to write good copy for your marketing needs you will need to practice writing. Writing is a muscle that can be developed over time. We have to practice it in order to get better at it.
Step away from your written work.
One of the best things I can do after writing some copy is get my ideas down on paper and then step away from it for a few hours or even a few days. Then I come back to it and can edit it as I see fit. It really helps to do this. It really helps you flush out a concept with fresh eyes.
All of these tips are really geared towards allowing our creativity to flourish. When we give our creativity some time and space it is amazing what we can create.
Heartfelt creative copy that really speaks to the pain point of our ideal clients starts with creativity.