We Are Working On Some Cool Courses!
Our first course is How to Set Session Rates for the Private Practice Owner. This is a free online course that you can register for at the following link:
Future courses include the following topics and we are looking for feedback on other topics as well:
- How Do I Attract More Self-Pay Clients
- Niching Down Your Marketing Message
- Writing Copy For Your Private Practice
- Reusing and Repurposing Your Marketing Copy
If you have any other topics that you would be interested on for future courses let us know by replying to this email.
We are in the development process now, but be on the lookout for these upcoming courses. The first one is out and listed above about setting session rates for practice owners. This is literally a conversation we have all the time with people in private practice.
Join our community today to get access to our Creative Collaboration Sessions https://www.facebook.com/groups/theconnectedprivatepractice
Schedule a consult with us to get your numbers and your marketing on point! https://theconnectedrelationship.as.me/practice-consult