Mini Get Shit Done Business Retreats are Essential
Owning and running a business can be overwhelming at times. Often it feels like everything is a crisis or you just end up reacting and never really thinking about the future. If you are like us, it is hard to turn off the constant churn of ideas and things that need to be addressed in our business. The day to day is a grind that never seems to go away.
It can feel like it will never quiet down enough to get something done.
One thing that we force ourselves to do is get away on some mini get shit done business retreats. It’s time that we set aside for planning or working on things that really take a little focus. It’s hard to get stuff done in the day to day grind. Especially when the stuff is something like writing some marketing blogs or planning out an upcoming project for your business. These things take focus and some space.
You don’t have to put a ton of effort and expense into a mini get shit done business retreat. You just need to be intentional. Here are some tips to getting into the habit of some mini get shit done business retreats.
Change your perspective. What I mean here is get away. Even if it is just a day or so at a hotel room, go somewhere different from your normal day to day. This makes the time feel more focused and purposeful. As I am writing this, I am sitting in my camper by the beach in Florida for a few days.
Prioritize the time. Set the time aside and put it on the calendar well in advance. Prioritize getting away and getting some shit done for your business. We tend to look out over the next couple of quarters and plan them out.
Be intentional about what you are doing. We typically have goals set aside for our mini get shit done retreats. Maybe it is doing something like writing marketing material, or structuring some new thing for your business. The point is to be focused on why you are doing this retreat and stick to it.
Break up the time a bit. If you are working through something intense, consider breaking up your days on your mini get shit done retreats. Break time up between working, taking a walk, doing yoga, or some other recreational activity. Don’t just try to work all day, it’s actually counterproductive. You will do much better if you break your day down a bit between some work and play.
The rewards of getting away to get some stuff done for your business are huge. Often we do our best work this way. It’s amazing how a little focused time away can work wonders for your business and the stress of the grind.
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